The Case for Intelligent Design

Intelligent Evolution



What Intelligence Is Not
What Drives Evolution
What Intelligence Is
What a Dimension Is
Why We Are Rational
How Animals Are Intelligent
How Plants Are Intelligent

What Intelligence Is Not:

    Will a million monkeys pounding on keyboards produce a best selling novel? Modernism explains intelligence as a miracle that occurs when a number becomes large enough. For example, modern "philosophers" argue that humans are more rational than monkeys because humans have a slightly larger brain. Yet monkeys have only slightly less of a brain than a human, and they have no rationality. Does rationality reach critical mass at a certain threshold? If that were true, we could simply put several monkeys together, and we would have more intelligence than a human; except we don't.

    For the last 50 years, computer scientists have said that computers would become more intelligenct than humans through artificial intelligence, yet computers have made very little (if any) progress in this area. For example, massive neural nets produce no logical answer unless they are programmed to do so, and neural nets can not start from zero and produce its own program. Random events have to be intelligently influenced by an external intelligence (the software), or the events will be random.

    Modernists blindly believe in the survival of the fittest without making any attempt to think it through. When, in a time that shaped our existence, a comet hits earth and kills a group of dinosaurs, we are supposed to believe that those dinosaurs were more unfit than the survivors?

    Some of the most unfit are the pregnant and infants. If only the fit survive, then the population quickly dies.

    The strongest and most fit are often warriors. They ride off to battle and are killed.

    In the survival of the fittest, if accidental mutations are more fit, they survive. Yet, in real life, each person has many characteristics that the progeny inherits. Some of those will be bad, but the good and bad are all inherited together. If the mutations are purely accidental, then half will be good and half will be bad. Then a bad mutation is just as likely to survive as a good mutation.

    The ego tends to grow with fitness. When a person knows that he is more fit, his ego tends to make him a target. Julius Caesar thought he was the most fit, yet his only grandchild died after several days. So a paragon of modernism was not fit enough to survive?

    What makes survival intelligent or fit? If intelligence progresses through survival, then survival is sculpting away the unwanted while leaving the wanted. We are supposed to believe that "fit" is the only intelligence of the survival sculpting, and the only intelligence of "fit" are accidental mutations. Yet all of this is mathematically impossible. A random operation on a random set results in a different random set. The operation can iterated any number of times, and the final set is still random.

    Intelligence has the order of symmetry, and random functions destroy symmetry. The more we iterate randomness the more random it becomes. If we "believe" in mathematics, then survival of the fittest is sheer stupidity.

What Drives Evolution:

    We are not saying that evolution doesn't happen; and intelligent evolution can occur from the survival of the fit, if "fit" is an intelligent act. In fact, we are constantly exposed to this type of "evolution" in our daily lives, but we are more likely to call it innovation.

    Let's suppose that mythological gods look down upon our culture. They place a man and a woman on a planet and the population grew. In due time, people learned that if they had a house, they would suffer less in the rain. So houses eventually became a standard part of life. The mythological gods would notice that the population with houses eventually overwhelmed those that didn't have houses. The houses made them more fit, but the gods were fooled. The first house was not a random mutation; it was an invention. Death did not eliminate the homeless; everyone thought that a house was a good idea, so they made themselves houses.

    The ancient Greeks philosophically proved that everything was made up of parts. As science has progressed, it has verified that the Greeks were correct. Aquinas used philosophy to prove that the parts had to be about as smart as the whole. Organic computing and molecular biology are daily demonstrating that we are made up of smaller intelligent parts that we refer to as intelligent recursion which Aquinas was the first to reveal.

    Aquinas reasoned that the components of an intelligent being would necessarily be about as intelligent as the whole. For example, when we take in the sun, we become darker, and that darkness will be passed on through our DNA. It is an intelligent (not a random) act. Evolution through intelligent recusion was known centuries before Darwinism, but modernists chose to ignore Aquinas.

    With our intelligent recursion, we not only adapt to our environment; we invent where we live, as in the house example. If the food supply is low, we become smaller; if the sun is brighter, we become darker. It is not survival of fittest; it is intelligent innovation.

    Modernists believe that intelligence comes from a critical mass of cells, but they don't know the exact number. We have already proved with the monkey examples that intelligence doesn't come from a big number. We can also mathematically show that a neural net produces random noise, and it doesn't matter how many CPUs are in the net. Even if modernists don't "believe" in mathematics, large neural nets have been tried. The result was random. Intelligence does not come from a large number as modernists insist. In fact, modernists are ignorant of the origin of intelligence or even what intelligence is. They reach an impossible conclusion and blindly believe in it. We will suffer the same fate, if we look to them for answers.

    As Saint John of Damascus was keen to show, rational intelligence comes from the spirit, but what is the spirit? Aquinas pointed to the creation story for this answer. Our bodies and souls were made from dirt, but God breathed the spirit into us (Summa Theologica -> First Part -> Question 118 on For us, this means that we inherit our body and soul from our parents, and that God gives each person their own spirit. Since we inherit the the soul, we would inherit the soul's appetites which is why we inherit orginal sin.

    We can turn away from sin, because the body and soul can change. We can not change our spirit. We die with the same spirit that we had when we were born. God doesn't change, so the breath of God that is in us can not change. We all know that certain parts of a person never change. Regardless of what has happened to a person, we would know the person if we looked close enough. In fact, the spirit does not change after death. The soul loses its free will after the death of the body, because a free will requires three parts. So a sinful soul is tormented with a holy spirit throughout eternity after death which is Hell. The body and soul change while the body is still alive, but the spirit remains the same forever. So the spirit is obviously different than the body and soul.

    As we have shown, only humans have a spirit which is why only humans have rational intelligence. As Saint John of Damascus advocated, any quest for intelligence is a spiritual quest, because intelligence comes from the breath of God that is our spirit. This is not an opinion or belief, because Aquinas made it into a known fact by binding the free will to the power of the rational soul (i.e. a soul that was assumed by a spirit).

    This fact has been known for centuries; we are not inventing it here. But the answer has been ignored. While it may initially seem that the answer is that intelligence comes from God, that is only the title of the book. It is a lot easier to spell calculus then to use it. To gain a working knowledge of how intelligence comes from God more study is needed.

    Aquinas essentially proved that evolution would begin in our smallest parts, by proving that our parts were about as intelligent as we are. We can not know what our parts don't know, so that means that our parts understand before we do. In other words, intelligence comes from within. If the intelligent inspiration is followed, the whole being adopts (not adapts) the intelligence. We know this is how our society works, why would we think that our body is different? God is infinitely simple; whatever functions in a group of people will also work inside the body.

    For example, when the Franks fought the Moors at Tours, the Moors had heavy cavalry and lost. Yet, the Franks noticed that the Moors had stirrups, and the Franks adopted them. This is obviously intelligent design and not the survival of the fittest. Evolution was on the side of the Moors, but they merely taught that evolution to the Franks. After the Franks had stirrups, everyone in Europe used stirrups, and the age of knights and chivalry was born.

    The same thing has to happen inside our body. Our intelligent cells (or something smaller) will notice a good innovation which usually doesn't kill the cells who lack the innovation, but the innovation will be adopted. And the design suddenly becomes more intelligent.

What Intelligence Is:

    Where would be without intelligence? We depend upon intelligence for everything, and yet we don't know what intelligence is.

    That is not unusual for us. For example, we are completely dependent upon light which causes photosynthesis in plants, and we need plants if we are going to eat. Yet we don't know what light is. Light works as both a particle and wave. We can't say what light is, or better it is hard to say what light is not.

    If things like light or intelligence came from our dimension we could easily define what they were, but we can't. In addition, we will also show that light and intelligence come from another dimension in a definitive fashion.

What a Dimension Is:

    Let's begin with the definition of a dimension.

    In the world of physics and mathematics, a dimension is something that can be measured from a time and space reference such as Minkowski spacetime. Other systems essentially build on this to add more dimensions or even infinite dimensions.

    Our space-time box (Minkowski spacetime) is accurate, because we can see it, but the addition of other dimensions would violate the nature of intelligence. This is not to say that they can't be worked into some system to solve a problem, but the future of higher order dimensions rests in interdependent relationships rather than the extension of complexity. In other words, any intelligent system is more simple when more of it can be realized. God is infinitely simple.

    To be more specific, we obviously live in sub-dimension of a greater dimension, because we are dependent upon light, intelligence, and other things that we can't define. Those things would come from a higher dimension. In addition, we are unaware of any dimensions that we support; in fact, we don't know why we exist, except through the eyes of Faith.

    By now, we are pretty familiar with our space-time box (our dimension), and we know how things work as long as they stay in our dimension. For example, if an object has a normal mass, it will obey Newtonian physics. If the mass becomes very small or very large, Newtonian physics fades and other forces play the major roles. It is not just mass; the same is true for velocity, temperature, or almost anything you can imagine. When something starts obeying a different set of laws than those in classical physics, we can say that it is going into another dimension.

    Everything that exists outside of our reality is in another dimension. We don't see the place(s) of the dead, so the dead are in another dimension. Jesus travelled from Heaven to Earth and then to Hell and so forth. He could travel across dimensions. Our dimension is the world we know and how it works. When something defies our experience, it is outside of dimension.

Why We Are Rational:

    Since we are made up parts, we can't know something, unless some part of us knows it. The same thing is true of our parts. If they are made up of still smaller parts, then the larger part can not know something that is not known by one of its components. A mostly overlooked ramification of that simple truth, is that intelligence starts in our smallest part and works it way up. In other words, our parts which are so small that they extend into another dimension initially receive intelligence. If the intelligence attracts the support of nearby parts, a movement is started that advocates the intelligence within us. If the intelligences reaches enough support, we will become conscious of it. So intelligence comes to us from another dimension through our smallest parts.

    Our society does many (maybe most) things to prevent intelligence. We often have top down structures that crush the inspiration of the less important. We don't benefit from that intelligence, and when we prevent inspiration, we cause frustration which leads to tension. Most of the tension in our society and stress within our bodies is because we ignore the aspirations of those with little clout. While some structure is needed to maintain order, no chain is any stronger than its weakest link. If we don't deal with our weakness, it will deal with us (Carl Jung).

    Intelligence begins in another dimension and enters into our dimension in some small and insignificant way. If we are too busy with our boss's orders or family expectations, then the infant inspiration will die from a lack of creativity and nurturing. While it may seem impossible to be so sensitive, it becomes the norm as we bring our prayer life into our daily life. And besides, the only other option is insentive, stupid sin.

    Among all the creatures within our dimension, humans are unique in that they have a spiritual (aka, rational or soul with a spirit) soul, and we are rational because our intelligence enters our spirit. Since we are made up of intelligent parts, then our parts have spiritual souls. The spirits of our smallest parts receive the intelligent inspiration from God. By feeling the presence of God we nurture our creativity and intelligence. Holy Saints such as Joseph of Cupertino and John Vianney seemed to increase in intelligence as they became older and grew closer to God. Cultures also increase in intelligence as they become more religious which is why most inventions come from Christian countries.

    This is not to say that the best inventions are from the holiest people, because several other factors enter into the equation. Yet, Faith environments allow intelligence to prosper by setting up environments that nurture intelligence. For example, the holiest people do not necessarily come from the holiest parents, but certain populations produce most of the holiest. In addition, Saints are likely to know other Saints, whereas it very unlikely that ordinary sinners will know a Saint. Both holiness and intelligence are contagious.

    If intelligence was generated (rather than received) by the brain as most suppose, the increase in intelligence would be somewhat linear. And the more we knew the less our intelligence would increase, because we would be forgetting things, and our learning would remain somewhat constant. As John von Neumann observed and Ray Kurzweil calculated, intelligence is accelerating towards infinity. Of course, that doesn't happen if intelligence is generated, because our brains are not approaching infinity. The explanation is that intelligence is like light. As we approach the light source, the light accelerates in intensity in accordance with the inverse square law. We are in the end times. God is approaching. As we get closer to the rupture (Neumann's term), the amount of intelligence hitting our spirit is accelerating towards infinity.

How Animals Are Intelligent:

    So far we have discussed rational intelligence, but humans have other levels of intelligence. Rational intelligence is only our soul's highest power; we and other animals have a sensitive soul which has a different system of intelligence. As we look across the designs of various systems, we usually find that a big system is composed of more than one part. So, it is hardly surprising that our dimension would have more than one intelligent design.

    After rationality, passions are the next level of intelligence, where passions are appetites of the sensitive soul. Animals have passions as well, because animals have sensitive souls. Humans only have one soul, but it has three levels of powers: rational, sensitive, and vegetative, in that order. Animals have the lower two levels.

    If we compare these levels to a computer system, the rational intelligence is the program written and loaded into the computer. The intelligence comes directly from the thinking in another dimension (the programmer's head), and it directly runs the computer. When computers were first invented, the programmer had to control every piece of equipment. The computer architects found out real fast that it was far more efficient for the computer to handle the Basic Input/Output System methods and BIOS was created. To be absurd, we might point out that BIOS did not evolve from a neural net running a "survival of the fittest" algorithm.

    After the computer is made, the users run all kinds of software (like rational intelligence), but they seldom change the BIOS (like sensitive intelligence). In fact, the BIOS usually resides in some type of read only memory such as ROM, EPROM, or Flash.

    The software can do all kinds of things, but the BIOS is very limited in what it can do.

    An automaton or robot, that is running on a factory floor in some series of cycles, is basically running from the BIOS which is how animals function.

    The BIOS was created by a programmer, but after the robot is working, the programmer is not likely to change the BIOS again. The robot is what it is.

    Rational intelligence changes with knowledge and opinion, but sensitive intelligence is pretty much what it is. It can be changed, but it is not easy. And certaintly sensitive intelligence is not changed very often.

    Now it gets interesting. The BIOS is mostly from the manufacturer, and the software is mostly from the user. In the same way, animals are all about following sensitive appetites (i.e., passions), whereas humans can be very innovative. The sensitive intelligence can learn, and that intelligence is inherited by the next generation from the behavior of their parents. Rational intelligence is learned, but it is from God, so it can not be inherited. In other words, "the breath of life" that Aquinas points to in Genesis, is not knowledge that is inherited.

    For example, birds learn to fly South by migrating with their parents, whereas a human is uniquely talented. The the children of an inventor are not likely to follow in that parent's footsteps. If they try, they will have to develop their own methods. Whatever their parent used to invent is not known to them. This is also why no one inherits their Faith. Each person has to find God in a personal way.

    Evolution occurs inside an animal in the same way it occurs outside of an animal (e.g., in the herd), because the same intelligence (sensitive) is being used both inside and out.

    If a herd is migrating, and it finds the needed water a little to the west of where they usually found it, they will change their migration to where the water is. The younger members will learn this behavior, and it will become a tradition. Of course, the same thing happens inside the body, or no animal would remember that the course was changed.

    Sensitive appetites often rule over sheer survival appetites which implies that "survival of the fittest" places a rather insignificant part. For example, when wildebeests come to a river full of hungry crocodiles, the sensitive appetites encourage the wildebeests. The first ones will eaten, and the others watch them being devoured. Yet, they will cross the river after a while, because their sensitive appetites overrule their survival appetites.

How Plants Are Intelligent:

    In humans, the lowest powers of our soul are the vegetative appetites which involve nutrition, reproduction, and other similar maintenance functions.

    If we go back to our computer example, vegetative appetites are similar to the transistors in the computer. These transistors are etched into silicon at the chip manufacturer; they can't be changed.

    This means that vegetative appetites can not be changed in a single generation, but each generation is different from the last generation. In fact, each member of a generation is different from every other member of a generation.

    Vegetative appetites are passed in the DNA, and modern science is all over DNA. This means that vegetative appetites are inherited at conception, and they stay the same for life. Any change would be a miracle (or radioactive spider - just kidding).

    Sensitive appetites will influence vegetative appetites especially over several generations. For example, if the the ancestors had corn as a staple, the current generation will like corn.

    The argument for the "survival of the fittest" is usually made from genetic mutations at conception, because as the initial cell splits, all other cells pick up the same mutation. Yet that argument implies that the mutation is random. No one even knows why the mutation occurred, so we don't know that it has no correlation in other dimensions. We have already mathematically shown that it can't be random across all dimensions, but it may be random to our dimension.

    The Darwinists argue that evolution started slow and picked up speed. But the mathematics say that evolution from random events has to start fast and slow down. Evolution would have a limit of diminishing returns, if evolution is random across all dimensions. We agree with the Darwinist that evolution started slow and gradually accelerated. If evolution is accelerating, it proves intelligent design because only hierarchical intelligence has evolution evolving into a revolution.

    For example, engineers initially worked on a junction inside a transitor. As the designed advanced, several transistors were put together. We were then able to build flip-flops, and from flip-flops we could make state machines. With state machines and hundreds of thousands of transistors, we were able to make computers on a single chip which allowed us to put computers into phones, ovens, televisions, and many other household appliances. We went from almost no electronic evolution to an evolution revolution that was built on hierarchical intelligence (e.g., junctions to transistors to flip-flops to state machines to computers).

    Whenever something in science is not understood, many conclude that it is random, but that is likely driven by their frustrated ego. Randomness can not be achieved with software, so random is not as easy as it might seem. Where whould a mutation gain the intellectual ability to be random?

    Plants are complex, and the mutation has to be compatible with the rest of the plant. While many "believe" it is possible for anything to come from a big number, they are obviously not mathematicians. In fact, the existing complexities of plants rule out any significant random changes, because the change has to fit into too many factors.

    If the design is extremely simple, then serendipity can improve it. For example, vulcanized rubber is sometimes ascribed to an accident, but the inventor, Charles Goodyear, said that it was invented through observation and hardwork. Goodyear spent most of his life inventing it, and maybe an accident played some part.

    The vulcanization of rubber is only a couple of steps, but the mutation in plants has to fit many criteria. If the fit requires more than 3 or 4 criteria to be met, then random mutations become mathematically impossible. Many of the features can be inherited, but by definition, the mutation is not inherited. While it difficult to determine the number of criteria the mutation would have to meet, more than 20 criteria is likely which would rule out all mutations except intelligent mutations.

    For example, something new has to have all the old parts, and it must contain the improvement. If a man went to a tailor for a perfectly fitted suit, the tailor would have to copy everything that the man already has. The man needs one more thing, but he doesn't tell the tailor what it is. If the tailor has 35 things that can be changed and each of those can be changed in 35 ways, and each of combinations affect all other combinations, then what is the possibility that the tailor will get it right? If each thing could only be changed in 2 ways, we would have 2 times 35 possibilities. But that assumes that the change is either in or out (binary), yet the change is a matter of degree. Only one change and one possibility has an infinite number of possibilities. For example, an infinite number of decimal numbers can occur between zero and one. If a random event changed one thing, it is likely to impact other things. The tailor can't get it perfect which means that the tailor will mess something up. As a practical matter, the chance for an improvement does not exist, because too many random chances of failure also exist.

    This doesn't mean that all intelligent mutations have to be successful. The idea is that if the mutation came from God, that God would not need to experiment. God often creates many things and selects one. For example, of all the sperm a man creates, how many impregnate? This doesn't mean that the other sperm are wasted anymore than virginity is wasted. In other words, just because we know sperm can participate in reproduction, our limited intelligence doesn't necessarily know the whole or even primary purpose of the sperm. As in the case of sperm, we can have many mutations, and only one selected mutation.

    From mathematics, we can show that the selected mutation is not random, because the fit is too complex.

    We have been using the computer model to show how intelligence comes from another dimension and how intelligence works in our dimension. The Darwinists claim that random events create mutations and that the fit survive, but randomness has unusual characteristics that they fail to consider. We can use our computer model to drive home this point.

    In the tech area, we call everthing that exists outside of computers the real world that contains things like grass, trees, snow, and so forth. All the experience of software in the computer world is a virtual reality. In the real world, everything is unique, whereas in virtual reality, nothing is unique. If we ponder that total oppositeness for a minute or so, we would conclude that the real world is created by something that is outside the dimension of that which creates the virtual world. But, we are only getting started.

    We can create a random number with computer software if we seed the random number generator with data from an electronic sensor that senses practically anything from the real world. For example, we could seed a lossless compression algorithm (e.g., PNG or TIFF) with a photograph. Compression removes any repeating patterns. When the compression is pushed far enough, the photograph becomes random and unique. Since it is unique, we can claim that the fully compressed data is the identity of the image. In other words, by inserting the real world into virtual reality we introduce the invaluable novelties of randomness and identity.

    This means that the real world is made from something altogether different than virtual reality. Humans created virtual reality. If we were created by random events, then the real world can not be created by random events. If that were true, then we would find correlation between virtual reality and the real world. In other words, if we are a product of random events, then our intelligence has to mimic the intelligence of the real world if the real world was designed by random events. Yet we are unable to derive anything unique in virtual reality without starting with data from the real world. That is proof that what makes the real world is different than the intelligence that creates virtual reality. In other words, if random events create the real world, then random events could not have created our intelligence, because we can't find any correlation to real world creativity and virtual reality which is devoid of uniqueness.

    Creative is not repeating events, and everything in our creation of virtual reality is repeating events. If the data doesn't repeat we have no chance to classify it or understand it. New concepts have to be related to what we know. If we experience something entirely new only once, we would not be able relate the experience to anything that we would describe as intelligent. Our intelligence is the top intelligence in our dimension, and yet we can't fathom or understand anything that is unique. This exercise is another proof that the real world is created from a different dimension, because everything in the real world is unique.

    Since we can only understand something if it correlates to something we know, humans can not create randomness which humans have already demonstrated in virtual reality. If all of our intelligence can not create a random event, where does it come from? Everything in the real world is unique; we are surrounded by randomness and take it for granted, as if it were nothing. But shouldn't we respect something that we are not able to create or understand? Is it not obvious that randomness comes from another dimension? If randomness comes from another dimension, so does creativity. In other words, we don't have the intelligence to define a random event as non-intelligent, but we know that any random events come from another dimension. The Darwinists argue that a random event can be creative which actually argues for the principal of intelligent design. Everyone agrees that a random event can be creative, and by definition, no one understands any event that is random.

    If the mutation is random and creative, then something intelligently created the mutation. The people who build the semiconductor chips are not robots who depend on random neural nets. They put the changes into the chips that they want. If their change is novel to that chip, then all the intelligence or correlation on that chip considers the change random. But it is only random to the time-space box of that chip; it was not random to the designer who implemented the change.

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